Honrar a tu niña interior.

Honor your inner child.

For a couple of years, I have been in constant personal work to know myself better and understand the reasons for my beliefs, defense mechanisms, and in general about myself.

In this process of self-knowledge, I have learned a lot about myself, from my family, from the people with whom I unconsciously or consciously choose to relate and it has been a complex but amazing journey, where sometimes it has made me very uncomfortable to go back, but thanks to That work, I have been able to free myself from many things of which I am now more aware of why they were that way.

Looking inside and listening to the little 6-year-old Viri has been a beautiful opportunity to embrace that girl that we all carry inside, that girl who perhaps, at the time, didn't know very well what she was feeling, or at least she wasn't. aware of what I am today as an adult.

One of the most challenging projects as an adult has been giving life to Margo, but at the same time, it has been the most beautiful journey because I can say that I work every day to create the brand that I envision and I enjoy it a lot (of course, while my self-sabotaging thoughts don't get in the way.)

Starting out involves many things, a lot of dedication, desire, love for what you do and work EVERY day and yes, I'm also talking about mental work to not give up in difficult moments where you make mistakes or things don't go as you expected.

Today, at 29 years old, I can tell you that many times I don't know what I'm doing and many more times, I doubt that I can achieve everything I dream of, but that doesn't stop my desire to try and work on it.

This year, in which I turn 30, I have decided to see it as a rebirth as a person, moving again to Puebla after living with my family for 2 years, has meant facing living completely alone again and being more responsible as an adult in all aspects.
I can say that it has felt like an opportunity after Otis, an opportunity given to me by life, the Universe, God or whatever you want to call it, to redirect my path, to sit in total silence and ask myself: What do I want?, Who do I want? am I? Where do I move from? Why do I do what I do? , among many more questions.

Among all those questions, I have asked my guides to be open to seeing the answers that are presented to me and during this time I used to realize what things I want to integrate both for myself and for my brand and what others I want to let go.

Since I was a child, dresses have been a garment that I love, that is why after 4 years of creating Mvrgo, part of a task with my Psychologist was to create or make something that 6-year-old Viri would like.
The Valentina dress was the first meeting as a designer with that little girl, that girl who so loved dresses, headbands, putting on mom's shoes and playing alone in the mirror.

Since I decided to start designing dresses for the brand, I knew that I wanted to reflect my purest essence in these pieces, I wanted to fall in love with the process, the dress and be able to convey the love of my work in a garment.

In this spring Drop, I wanted to design a dress that reflected freedom and comfort in everyday days.
The result was a long dress, green like plants, that living being that gives a cozy and beautiful touch to a home, I knew I wanted a super loose silhouette, with the aim that when wearing it it would make you feel at home: Comfortable , free, safe, that place where you don't have to worry or be alert, because you know that there, you are free to be yourself.

I hope that on this path of entrepreneurship, I don't forget to continue connecting with my inner child and make her happy with things I do right now, from new ways of making content, designs for the brand, activities outside of work, etc... and thus, be the full adult without judgments who lives and has fun doing what she likes.

As my very talented Silvana Estrada says:

" I want to see life once again,
with girl's eyes
that is amazed in front of the sea"

Thank you for reading me, for consuming my brand and for carrying a little piece of me with every purchase.


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1 comment

Increíble, recordé esos momentos que describes, como cuando no querías quitarte tus “zapatitos de charol color naranja”. Creo que al conectar con tu niña interior, conectas con la parte mas pura tu ser. Sigue creando desde ahí…=)


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